‘Identity’ Review: Thrilling But Overloaded”

Identity brings several intriguing ideas to the table, such as a sketch artist’s role, a covert security force, a rare medical condition affecting face recognition, and India’s witness protection program. However, the film struggles by trying to combine all these concepts into one, which makes it feel overstuffed and lacking coherence. The narrative centers on a criminal, his victims, and the investigation led by a cop, a witness, and a sketch artist.
While Tovino Thomas delivers a strong performance, the film relies too heavily on monologues and exposition, which takes away from the tension and leaves little room for the audience to piece things together. The film has its gripping moments, especially during action sequences, but doesn’t fully explore its potent ideas, leaving much unresolved for possible sequels.
Despite its fresh take on many themes, Identity leaves you wanting more, like a buffet of half-cooked dishes, with the best possibly saved for the next meal.
#IdentityMovie #FilmReview #TovinoThomas #Thriller #MalayalamCinema #FreshConcepts #Action #CrimeDrama