Black mirror is a must watch if you are a sci-tech fan.

Black mirror is a must watch if you are a sci-tech fan.

Black Mirror is a British science-fiction series created by Charlie Brooker. The show basically is based on how our basic lifestyle will change with new technological advancements coming in. The series has 5 seasons in total and an overall total of 22 episodes with each episode going on for 50-60 minutes. It came onto Netflix in the year 2016.

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The stories in each episodes are a stand alone and different from each other. Each episodes picks up a unique topic and explores into his technology will change it and the different impact it will have on each of our lives.

Black mirror is a definite must watch series if you are into technology and see how it will actually impact our lives. There is very little of fiction here and the moment you watch an episode, you will start to wonder that this is not far away.

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Black mirror is a must watch if you are a sci-tech fan.



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