A peek into the northeast Indian culture with Netflix’s Axone.

A peek into the northeast Indian culture with Netflix’s Axone.

Axone is a new movie releasing on Netflix on the 12th of June, 2020. It is a story with a different feel to it since it is going to be one of the few movies which looks at showing the culture of northeast India with its setup done in Humanyunpur, Delhi where a large community of northeast lives. Northeastern filmaker, Nicholas Kharkongor tries to bring out the cultural sterotypes with a first mainstream commercial hindi with Axone.

The movie has already premiered at the BFI London film festival and also made its debut at the Mumbai Film Festival (MAMI) last year where it received a lot of praise. The main leads in the movie are Dolly Ahluwalia, Sayani Gupta, Tenzin Dalha and Vinay Pathak as well as actors from the region, including Asenla Jamir, Lin Laishram and Lanuakum Ao. The movie revolves around the life of a group of friends in Delhi and a wedding, some axone along with a feud between the landlord and the tenant.

Its basically about the disruption that happens when a girl who is getting married has a surprise from her friends. They prepare her favourite dish – pork cooked with axone which has a very distinctive aroma that makes people unfamiliar with it very uncomfortable. The series of jokes follow once this happens and it leads to many adventures. The story has a touch of comedy to it so that people understand the seriousness of racism that happens with people from the northeast in a subtle manner. There is a very strong message in the movie and hopes to explore and help bring relief to northeast people living in any region in India.

Movie Cast

Jimpa Bhutia as Bunty
Deepansha Dhingra
Vijay Kumar Dogra
Sayani Gupta as Upsana
Lin Laishram as Chanbi
Vinay Pathak as Landlord
Lanuakum Ao as Bendang
Aakash Bhardwaj as Hironya

Axone Movie Full Details

Axone movie is releasing on Netflix on the 12th of June 2020.
Streaming Partner: Netflix
Release date: 10-June-2020 June
Director:Nicholas Kharkongor
Producers: Siddharth Anand Kumar
Music director: Tajdar Junaid

A peek into the northeast Indian culture with Netflix's Axone.



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